
Typescript Metrics Reporter for elasticsearch.

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This library is made for inspector-metrics node module and is meant to be used with typescript / nodejs.
It uses elasticsearch-js as elasticsearch client.


npm install --save inspector-elasticsearch

basic usage

import { MetricRegistry } from "inspector-metrics";
import { ElasticsearchMetricReporter } from "inspector-elasticsearch";
import { ConfigOptions } from "elasticsearch";

const clientOptions: ConfigOptions = {
    apiVersion: "6.0",
    host: "localhost:9200",
// instance the elasticsearch reporter
const reporter: ElasticsearchMetricReporter = new ElasticsearchMetricReporter({
const registry: MetricRegistry = new MetricRegistry();

// add the registry to the reporter
// start reporting
await reporter.start();

determine the indexname for a metric

import { MetricRegistry } from "inspector-metrics";
import {
} from "inspector-elasticsearch";
import { ConfigOptions } from "elasticsearch";

const clientOptions: ConfigOptions = { ... };
// computes the name of the index using the timestamp of the metric
const indexnameDeterminator: MetricInfoDeterminator = (
    registry: MetricRegistry,
    metric: Metric,
    type: MetricType,
    date: Date) => {

    const day = date.getDate();
    const dayPrefix: string = (day >= 10) ? "" : "0";
    const month = date.getMonth() + 1;
    const monthPrefix: string = (month >= 10) ? "" : "0";
    return `metrics-${date.getFullYear()}-${monthPrefix}${month}-${dayPrefix}${day}`;
// the indexname generator needs to be specified when instancing the reporter
const reporter: ElasticsearchMetricReporter = new ElasticsearchMetricReporter({

build a metric document

import { MetricRegistry, Tags } from "inspector-metrics";
import {
} from "inspector-elasticsearch";
import { ConfigOptions } from "elasticsearch";

const clientOptions: ConfigOptions = { ... };
// only build documents for counter metrics
const metricDocumentBuilder: MetricDocumentBuilder = (
    registry: MetricRegistry,
    metric: Metric,
    type: MetricType,
    timestamp: Date,
    commonTags: Tags) => {

    if (metric instanceof Counter) {
        const tags = commonTags;
        const name = metric.getName();
        const group = metric.getGroup();
        return { name, group, tags, timestamp, values: { count: metric.getCount() }, type };

    } else {
        // null values will not be reported / published
        return null;

// the document builder needs to be specified when instancing the reporter
const reporter: ElasticsearchMetricReporter = new ElasticsearchMetricReporter({


using the playground

To use the playground you need to have docker and docker-compose installed.

# boots all services (elasticsearch / grafana) and provisions the example dashboard
# running playground script

view data in grafana

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:3000
  2. Navigate to the example dashboard (upper left corner "Home"): "Elasticsearch example dashboard"

Example Dashboard

view data in kibana

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:5601
  2. Add a new index pattern like metric-*
  3. Discover data

local dev

compile & test with different nodejs versions

build docker images:

docker-compose build

run tests:

docker-compose run node6
docker-compose run node7
docker-compose run node8
docker-compose run node9
docker-compose run node10
docker-compose run node11



result-matching ""

    No results matching ""